Thursday, December 13, 2007

Blue Cube band plays the Los Angeles Press Club

Blue Cube -- a news band comprised of L.A. Times senior business editor John Corrigan; L.A. Times reporter Scott Gold; L.A. Times Information Technology staffer, Tom Kuby; and former L..A. Times reporter and editor Bob Baker.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Future of Small Newspapers

LA Press Club Panel Discussion on the Future of Small Newspapers. Moderated by Jon Regardie of the Los Angeles Downtown News. Panelists include Chuck Doud, Thomas Elias and Dennis Anderson.

Video by
Edward Headington

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ask A Mexican

An Evening with Gustavo Arellano at the LA Press Club. Moderated by Anthea Raymond and brought to you by PR Newswire and Headington Media Group.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

An Evening with Forbes Riley

The "Billion Dollar Host" spoke at the Los Angeles Press Club. Moderated by LA Bureau Chief for Bloomberg News, Seth Lubove.

Video by
Edward Headington

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

An Evening with Michael Levine

Success secrets from the venerable Michael Levine at the Los Angeles Press Club. Moderated by Frank Mottek of KNX 1070 AM Business News Hour

Thursday, August 16, 2007

An Evening with Amr Emam

Panel discussion with Daniel Pearl Fellow and Egyptian journalist, Amr Emam, and the Pearl family. Moderated by Rob Eshman of the Jewish Journal.

Video by
Edward Headington

Sunday, June 24, 2007

49th Annual Southern California Journalism Awards

On June 24, 2007, the Los Angeles Press Club honored the best in local print,on-line, and broadcast journalism in 80 categories. The 49th Annual Southern California Journalism awards also gave special honors to Gustavo Arellano, Anna Politkovskaya, and Judy Woodruff. The 50th annual event will be held June 21. MCs included Paula Poundstone, Patt Morrison, and Farai Chideya.

Video by
LA Channel 36

Thursday, May 10, 2007

LA Press Club Stalkerazzi Panel Discussion

Hollywood Ground Zero: Where Celebrity, Paparazzi and the 1st Amendment Collide. Moderated by David Willis with panelists: Blair Berk, Giles Harrison, Rob Nelson and Allison Hope Weiner.

Video by
Edward Headington

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

An Evening with John Stossel

Cocktail reception for ABC News Anchor, John Stossel, at the Blue Velvet Restaurant. Sponsored by the Los Angeles Press Club, Reason Foundation and PR Newswire.

Video by
Edward Headington

Thursday, March 29, 2007

LA Traffic Panel Discussion - Video News Advisory

Invite to the LA Traffic Panel Discussion on March 29, 2007. Moderated by Rory Johnston with panelists Tom Rubin, James E. Moore II and Ted Balaker

Panel Discussion on Traffic In LA - The Everlasting Gridlock? Moderated by Rory Johnston. Panelists include Tom Rubin, James E. Moore II, and Ted Balaker.

Unity Blueprint Immigration Press Conference

Unity Blueprint Press Conference at the Los Angeles Press Club. Featured speaker: Antonio Gonzalez, President of the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project

Featured speaker: Nativo V. Lopez, MAPA National President & HML National Director

Featured speaker: Peter Schey, Executive Director for the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law

Featured speaker: Pablo Alvardo, National Coordinator for the National Day Laborer Organizing Network

Featured speakers: Gloria Saucedo and Alvaro Huerta

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

An Evening with "Miss Trial" Linda Deutsch

"Inside the Journalists' Notebook" Celebration for AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch. Moderated by Jon Beaupre. Co-hosted by the Los Angeles Press Club and the Society of Professional Journalists-Los Angeles

Video by
Edward Headington

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Immigration Panel

Immigration Panel at the LA Press Club. Moderated by Conan Nolan of NBC. Panelists: Stephen Gregory of KFI Radio, Jon Fleischman of the Flash Report and Daniel Hernandez of LA Weekly

Video by
Edward Headington

Thursday, February 8, 2007

An Evening with Solo Journalist Kevin Sites

LA Press Club Evening with Kevin Sites, Solo Journalist, War Correspondent and 2006 Daniel Pearl Award Recipient. Topic - Conflict Journalism and Video News.

Video by
Edward Headington