Thursday, October 23, 2008

Islam and the Media

On Thursday, Oct. 23rd, the Los Angeles Press Club presents a panel discussion about the portrayal of Muslims and Arabs in the media. It seeks to shed light on current efforts to engage more realistic Muslim characters, storylines and news coverage, and bring depth and balance to a faith and people frequently misunderstood in the media. Moderated by Jon Beaupre, professor of journalism at Cal State LA and the secretary of the Los Angeles Press Club, the panel features:
Steve Padilla, Religion Editor, Los Angeles Times
Robert Greenwald, Founder/Director, Brave New Films
Kamran Pasha, Screenwriter/Director/Novelist
Lena Khan, Independent Filmmaker and Social Activist
Ahmed Ahmed, Actor, Comedian with Axis of Evil Comedy Tour
Munira Syeda, Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Moderated by Jon Beaupre

Video by
Jahan Hassan

Video by
Pars National

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sam Sperling

Sam Sperling at the Los Angeles Press Club October 15, 2008

Video by
John F. Gannon