Friday, August 21, 2009

Write - and sell that book! A special panel at the Press Club

Secrets of Book Publishing (Part 1) from Rouslan Ovtcharoff on Vimeo.

Secrets of Book Publishing (Part 2) from Rouslan Ovtcharoff on Vimeo.

The SECRETS OF PUBLISHING PANEL, moderated by Manhattan-based author and writing teacher Susan Shapiro, who just published SPEED SHRINKING, and who’s probably helped more aspiring journalists and authors sell their work than any agent out there. (Sue’s bio below.) Sue and her panel will cover all the bases, from how to make your work publishable to how to actually get it published, taking into account what is and isn't selling in this economy, and all the new challenges of journalism and the book business.

JOINING SUE ON THE PANEL: L.A. Times Magazine editor Annie Gilbar; Los Angeles agent Betsy Amster (a former book editor, then editorial director of Globe-Pequot Press); New York agent Ryan Fischer-Harbage; and Amy Alkon, syndicated advice columnist, blogger, and author of the upcoming book I SEE RUDE PEOPLE: One woman's battle to beat some manners into impolite society (Nov. 27, 2009, McGraw-Hill).

Sue usually charges big bucks for her courses, but this special L.A. Press Club event is FREE! to members and only $10 to non-members with pre-payment. ($20 at the door, RSVP is still a must)

WHERE AND WHEN: Friday, August 21, 6 PM cocktail hour; 7 PM program starts. -- UPSTAIRS at the L.A. Press Club's Steve Allen Theater, 4773 Hollywood Blvd. (two blocks west of Vermont) in the Hollywood/Los Feliz neighborhood. Free parking in lot. 323-669-8081

MORE ABOUT SUE: Susan Shapiro, a Manhattan journalism professor, has written for the New York Times, Washington Post, L.A. Times, Newsweek,, Daily Beast, The Forward, Village Voice, People, More, Glamour, and Cosmopolitan. She's co-editor of Food for the Soul and author of the nonfiction books Only as Good as Your Word, Lighting Up, Secrets of a Fix-Up Fanatic and Five Men Who Broke My Heart, which was optioned for a feature film. She’s sold two novels Overexposed and Speed Shrinking which debuts August 3, 2009. She lives with her husband, a TV/film writer, in Greenwich Village, where she teaches her own "instant gratification takes too long" writing method at the New School, NYU and in private workshops and seminars.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

51st Annual Southern California Journalism Awards

Robyn Dixon, Arianna Huffington, Rick Orlov Are Honored by the Los Angeles Press Club.

51st Annual Southern California Journalism Awards (part 1) from Rouslan Ovtcharoff on Vimeo.

51st Annual Southern California Journalism Awards (part 2) from Rouslan Ovtcharoff on Vimeo.

51st Annual Southern California Journalism Awards (Part 3) from Rouslan Ovtcharoff on Vimeo.

Robyn Dixon, Arianna Huffington, Rick Orlov Are Honored by the Los Angeles Press Club.

Hundreds of journalists and friends of journalism gathered in Universal City on Sunday night to honor the best work of 2008 at the 51st Annual Southern California Journalism Awards.

Author and Huffington Post editor-in-chief Arianna Huffington received the President's Award for impact on media. Daily News city hall reporter Rick Orlov received the Joseph M. Quinn Award for lifetime achievement. And Los Angeles Times foreign correspondent Robyn Dixon received the Daniel Pearl Award for courage in journalism.

Awards presenters included Paula Poundstone, Bill Maher, NBC4 anchor Ana Garcia, Pulitzer Prize-winning film critic Joe Morgenstern, ABC7 entertainment reporter George Pennacchio, and "Ask a Mexican" columnist Gustavo Arellano.

David Evans of Bloomberg Markets was named large-circulation print journalist of the year for his coverage of the unfolding financial crisis. Brad Greenberg of the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles was the winner for smaller circulation publications.

Ana Garcia and Fred Mamoun of KNBC shared the television journalist of the year award with Eric Longabardi of TeleMedia. Frank Stoltze of KPCC was the radio journalist of the year. Chris Hedges of Truthdig was named online journalist of the year.

LA Weekly's Christine Pelisek was also a big winner, taking home three prizes.

See complete list of the winners:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

2nd Annual National Entertainment Journalism Awards

2nd Annual National Entertainment Journalism Awards from Rouslan Ovtcharoff on Vimeo.

Press Club Honors Reporters, Critics
Across the U.S. in 2nd Annual NEJ Awards

In a ceremony honoring critic Joe Morgenstern for his career achievements, the Los Angeles Press Club announced the winners of the Second Annual National Entertainment Journalism Awards.

Finalists and honorees came from publications, web sites and broadcasters of all sizes, and from all across the country. Locally, Ella Taylor of the LA Weekly was named best critic in the print category. Shawn Edwards and Russ Simmons of Fox4 News in Kansas City won the criticism category for television; Kenneth Turan of KUSC won for radio; and Tom Tangney of won for online criticism.

Winners in other categories came from Playboy, Bloomberg, KABC, Georgia Public Radio, the Los Angeles Times, Marketplace, and Rolling Stone.

Morgenstern was honored for his lifetime contributions to the field of entertainment journalism. A film critic for the Wall Street Journal and KCRW, he is the co-founder of the National Society of Film Critics and one of only three film critics to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his work. Presenting the awards this year was film and television actor Robert Forster.

See the complete list of this year's winners.

Monday, March 23, 2009

"The Women in White" screening at Los Angeles Press Club

"The Women In White" screening at Los Angeles Press Club from Rouslan Ovtcharoff on Vimeo.

Narrated by Andy Garcia, the 55 minute documentary, The Women in White, tells the story of courageous Cuban women trying to free their imprisoned men.

Gry Winther, a Norwegian journalist and documentary filmmaker, will discuss the dangers of traveling to Cuba and her undercover shooting of The Women in White.

Andy Garcia will also be on hand to talk about the right to freedom of expression and life in Cuba.

Moderated by Ana Garcia, investigative reporter and anchor woman at KNBC, originally from Cuba.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Understanding The Civil Justice System: Media Education Seminar

Civil Justice Panel at Los Angeles Press Club from Rouslan Ovtcharov on Vimeo.

Media Seminar: Civil Justice System (Part 2) from Rouslan Ovtcharov on Vimeo.

Media Seminar: Civil Justice System from Rouslan Ovtcharov on Vimeo.

Understanding the Civil Justice System

PURPOSE: To educate members of the media about the American civil justice system, utilizing fast-paced presentations in a balanced and informative setting. The seminar will provide working media with background on the civil justice system, the differences between a civil and criminal trial and tips on how to cover a civil trial.

DATE: Saturday, January 31, 2009

TIME: 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Registration
9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Seminar (including lunch)
LOCATION: Steve Allen Theater (Los Angeles Press Club)
4773 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90027

PRESENTING ENTITIES: Consumer Attorneys of Los Angeles (CAALA) and the
Los Angeles Press Club

ADMISSION: There will be no charge for participation.

FORMAT: The morning session features brief presentations by a panel of prominent legal professionals (law professor, plaintiff and defense attorneys and a judge) providing an overview of the civil justice system and civil trials. The afternoon session features a hands-on panel discussion about how to cover civil trials and civil justice cases, featuring media members who have covered civil trials along with the Los Angeles Superior Court Public Information Officer, plaintiffs’ and defense attorneys and a judge.


Moderator: Jon Beaupre, Radio and TV journalist, Professor of Communication Studies, Cal State University Los Angeles, Member, L.A. Press Club Board of Directors

Judge Hon. Joe Hilberman Los Angeles Superior Court

Plaintiffs’ Attorney Randy McMurray, Managing Partner, The Cochran Firm President, Consumer Attorneys of Los Angeles

Defense Attorney Phillip Baker, Partner, Baker, Keener & Nahra LLP, Past President, Association of Southern California Defense Counsel

Law Professor Robert Brain, Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Loyola Law School


Moderator: Jon Regardie, Executive Editor at Los Angeles Downtown News

Panelists: Hon. Lee Edmon, Assistant Presiding Judge, Los Angeles Superior Court Patty Kinaga, Principal, Kinaga Porcaro Allan Parachini, Public Information Officer, Los Angeles Superior Court Amy Fisch Solomon, Partner, Girardi & Keese, 2008 President, Consumer Attorneys of Los Angeles Frank Stoltze, reporter, KPCC-FM

TOPICS: Morning Session Panel (9:00-11:30 a.m.)

Understanding the Civil Justice System Welcome and introduction (Beaupre)
Civil Justice System Overview (Prof. Brain)
Trial ABCs (Judge Hilberman)
The Plaintiff’s Side (McMurray)
The Defense Side (Baker)

Afternoon Session Panel (12:30-2:00 p.m.)

Covering a Civil Trial
Roundtable Panel Discussion
Conclusion and Summary

Friday, January 16, 2009

LA Press Club Evening with NBC News White House Correspondent, Political Director and On-Air Analyst, Chuck Todd

Press Club Board Member and L.A. Weekly News Editor, Jill Stewart, will be moderating this special event tonight

HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Jan. 16 /PRNewswire/ -- The Los Angeles Press Club is hosting a special event tonight with NBC News White House Correspondent, Political Director and On-Air Analyst, Chuck Todd. It is being co-sponsored by PR Newswire and open to the public.

WHO - The Los Angeles Press Club Members and Supporters; Moderated by Press Club Board Member and L.A. Weekly News Editor, Jill Stewart; Special guest Chuck Todd, NBC News White House Correspondent, Political Director and On-Air Analyst

WHAT - "An Evening with NBC's Chuck Todd"

WHEN - Friday, January 16, 2009; 7 p.m.

WHERE - The Steve Allen Theater at the LA Press Club; 4773 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, 90027; Plenty of free parking behind the building (enter off of Berendo Street); Metro: Red line, Sunset/Vermont station

WHY - Todd is co-author of the new book "How Barack Obama Won: A State-by-State Guide to the Historic 2008 Presidential Election." He is expected to talk about his book, the recent presidential race, the Obama presidency and how he plans to cover it. As NBC News' Political Director, Todd set himself apart from others through his insightful analysis during the presidential race and in the process developed a loyal band of viewers -- known as "Chuckolytes." Before joining NBC News, Todd was the Editor-in-Chief of National Journal's "The Hotline," Washington's premier daily briefing on American Politics.

FYI - Free to Press Club members: $15 for prepaid guests or $20 at the door. Students pay $5. Ticket price includes all drinks and appetizers. For more information, call 323.669.8081 or email

The Los Angeles Press Club stands as an organization devoted to improving the spirit of journalism and journalists, raising the industry's standards, strengthening its integrity and improving its reputation all for the benefit of the community at large. Serving the Southland since 1913, it is the only Southern California journalism group that speaks for all journalists working for daily and weekly newspapers, radio & TV, magazines, documentary films and online. For more information, go to and/or

PR Newswire, co-sponsor for all Los Angeles Press Club events, is the global leader in news and information distribution services for professional communicators. For more information, go to

Headington Media Group is a boutique communications firm that promotes public affairs in Southern California, specializing in image management, branding, messaging and public relations. For more information, go to and/or visit

Publicist: Edward Headington
Video by: Rouslan Ovtcharov